Greetings and Happy Autumn to all of You!

Balloon Festival

It’s balloon fiesta time here in Albuquerque and I am thrilled to see balloons up in the air.
We started the week with a balloon here in the Oasis parking lot!

Of course, like many of you, I will miss going to the park for the in-person experience, including breakfast burritos.

So, below please see a couple links for the online balloon fiesta…

ABQ Balloon Fiesta – Highlights 2019

Get Excited!

I am excited to share that our volunteer team has 110 reading mentors preparing for online sessions in late October.
We are hoping for a minimum of 150, so if you are thinking about mentoring online this term, please contact me.
Our test team is moving along – working out those kinks, making lists and getting ready to share their techno brains! Look for an email with updates in mid-October for scheduled training sessions.

Last Wednesday, September 30th we started the process to update our library with barcodes. Yes, that is over 5200 books that will be barcoded. This process will take some time, but is well worth the effort. Thank you to our library volunteers – you are wonderful!

Hopefully the links this month will make you smile! There is a play on words link, a little chaos, music to move you, birds to soothe you and floating balloons. Many have asked about how to share the All About Me online, so there is a virtual page resource provided by the Oasis Institute.

Pendulum waves – a different kind of chaos…

We Are Thankful for You

If you have a fun link that might be appropriate for our volunteers and this page, please forward directly to me.
We continue to recruit for our January training and if you share the program, that is the best advertisement – thank you.
The comment section below is designed to generate conversation, thoughtful ideas, and positive humor – I hope you will take a moment to share.

As always, thank you for your commitment to our students and your loyalty to our program.
Stay safe and be well!
