Our Students Need Us More Now Than Ever!
National and local reading scores have emphasized the fact that elementary school students continue to need reading mentors – adults who care enough to volunteer and help students experience the joy in reading. We are actively working to increase our volunteer team to support our students. Join our team today and you can change a life by providing the individual attention that helps a young scholar build confidence and experience success.
Books, Books, Books!
Twice a year, our volunteers select books to give to their mentored students. By talking and reading with an elementary student, volunteers learn about their interests, topics that might promote the desire to read.
The goal is to keep each student reading year around and to increase their personal library. Each giveaway we have over 3000 books to share with our students – chapter books, picture books, leveled readers, science books and bilingual books- a plethora of books! Our volunteers are always excited about the selection and thrilled to “gift” the books to their students.
Thank you!
Thank you to all of our Intergenerational Tutors/Reading mentors for supporting our elementary school students. We appreciate your time, talents, patience, flexibility, compassion and humor. You make a difference one student at a time!

Mayor’s Day of Volunteer Recognition- Oasis Volunteer Group of the Year!
One child, one reading mentor – two lives forever changed.
Join our Oasis Intergenerational Tutoring team today!
Our volunteer reading mentors help elementary students enlarge their world by exposing them to a love of books. Reading mentors commit to spending one hour, one day a week to mentor K-4 students in one-on-one sessions for a school year. We volunteer during the school day in Albuquerque, Belen and Bernalillo Public Schools.
Comments from the annual survey from teachers and principals at Albuquerque Public School

“We focused this year on first grade students who needed a boost after spending their kinder year online during school closures. The tutors assigned to our school have become a part of our community, learning about their families, encouraging reading both in and out of school, recognizing accomplishments, and supporting our kiddos thru some very difficult personal challenges. One of our tutors learned that her student lost her father after a long battle with cancer. She spoke to the teacher, asked about best practices, and made sure the student had extra support, extra love, and extra fun learning materials to take home. All classroom teachers are delighted with these relationships and 1:1 time with their students. I would welcome back all three of our current tutors and also would welcome more as we continue to see needs in our students’ skills and confidence. We are so thankful for this community partnership.”
“The tutors were a great addition to our school reading interventions. Students looked forward to their sessions and grew both academically and socially because of the attention and support they received from their tutors. Thank you!”
“My student worked with Mr. Stan. He was amazing! He really helped her become more confident. He was always so flexible with his schedule when things came up and worked to make sure her needs were met. So happy with the progress they made together!”
“I have a student who participated in tutoring last year, but not this year as a 5th grader. He has learned when his former tutor arrives to work with her current 2nd grade student, and he waits for her to come through the gate so he can share with her what he has learned and mastered and accomplished during the week. He knows that his tutor is his champion, and that she believes in him and supports his success even when he has moved on. The connections are deep and they are important!”
Become a Tutor
Join our team in this year! We are definitely recruiting enthusiastic, compassionate, patient, flexible, funny, interesting people who enjoy reading. Our training sessions are held during the fall, in August, September and October, for quick scheduling with a student. The Oasis literacy approach supports classroom curriculum and our students will benefit from both the one-on-one attention and support. Join Us!
Training: Contact us for training dates and school placements. Pre-registration required
For more information on Tutoring – Please fill out the form below. Or you may contact: Vicki DeVigne, Tutoring Program Director 505-884-4529, email either Vicki DeVigne or Sylvia Giomi, Administrative Assistant, Sylvia Giomi.
Watch this video by KRQE as they interview Vicki Devigne or read the full story here.
“There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there are only children who have not found the right book. ” –Frank Serafini
Albuquerque Oasis is thankful for the ongoing support of the Intergenerational Tutoring Program from our sponsors!