May 10 – August 24, 2018?
Opening reception: Thursday May 10, 5-6:30pm?

Exhibit may be viewed during Oasis office hours; please call ahead as classes may be in session. 

Oasis Albuquerque, 3301 Menaul Blvd NE, Suite 18, Albuquerque (in the American Square Shopping Center)

505-884-4529 or albuquerque.oasisnet.org

Take a stroll down Central Avenue via Chuck Gibbon’s paintings of our urban Albuquerque landscape. Travel through alleys and parking lots or across railroad tracks for views of well- and lesser-known city architecture. You might see a person or two, or perhaps one of our pervasive pickup trucks, but the structures of our high desert city are what tells the story. His paintings fall somewhere between abstract design and realistic depiction of the places we recognize.

Gibbon was an engineer for more than 30 years; in 1997, he retired and attended the UNM Fine Arts School as a non-degree student. His paintings are included in the Albuquerque Public Art collection and in many private collections.

Paintings are for sale and a portion of sales benefits Oasis.

Images above: The New Century, 30×40”, acrylic on canvas; Central and Cornell, 24×48”, oil on canvas.